Marriage Problems

How do you deal with marriage problems? What if your spouse is having an affair, or they have a problem with alcohol or drugs? How can you help them? How can you help yourself? What if they aren’t interested in getting better? What if the problems are so bad that it seems impossible for your relationship to change? These are just a few of the questions that many people ask. The good news is that there is help for any couple. If you have been married for any length of time, you may have or may be experiencing marriage problems. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common marriage problems and give you some ideas on dealing with such situations. 

What are the most common problems in marriage? 

Most marriages face problems at one time or another. It is important to remember that no matter what the problem is, there is always hope. There are different kinds of issues that occur in marriages, including:

Communication Issues

There are various ways for people to communicate with each other. Some people use words, while others use non-verbal cues such as body language and tone of voice. If you and your spouse are not using these communication methods, you should first learn more about each other’s communication skills. You can do this by reading books on communication that will teach you how to improve your communication skills and avoid constant arguments and misunderstandings with your partner. Some couples find it harder to communicate with each other when there are underlying concerns in the relationship. If you are struggling with opening up to your partner or vise-versa, you might want to consider talking to a professional about it. 


Most of us would say that infidelity is one of the worst things in a relationship. When we think about infidelity, we usually think about cheating on our partners. However, infidelity does not only mean only sexual infidelity. Many times, spouses cheat on their partners in other destructive behaviors. And according to research conducted by the National Marriage Project, over 50% of all divorces involve infidelity. 

Sexual Issues

If you and your spouse are having problems in bed, you might want to think about counseling. Counseling can help you figure out why you are not enjoying sex anymore. Once you have found the reasons behind your lack of interest in sex, you can improve your sexual life.

Money Problems 

Finances can cause stress in a relationship. Many couples argue about finances because they don't understand why their partner doesn't want to share their income with them. Sometimes, couples fight about money because they feel like their partner is spending too much money. If you and your partner have trouble agreeing on how much money to save and how much money to spend, then you might end up with financial problems. 

Childhood Trauma

If you have unresolved trauma from your childhood, you should think about talking to a therapist. A therapist can help you learn how to cope with it. They can also help you overcome your fears and anxieties and help you build a stronger relationship with your partner.

Drug Addiction or Alcoholism

Although treatments are available for those suffering from alcoholism and addiction, many people don't seek treatment because they believe they can’t overcome their drinking and drug use or they don’t see it as a problem. If you suspect that your partner is addicted to alcohol or drugs, talk to them about it. Alcoholism is a very serious issue. According to the National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Abuse, alcoholism affects approximately 16 million Americans. If they don’t want to get help, you will have to make a difficult decision. Find a support group like Al-Anon or Codependency Anonymous. 

Issues With Children

There are times when blended families get along well and times when they don't. When children are unhappy, they tend to argue and fight. These arguments and fights can create stress within the entire family. If you and your partner are experiencing issues with the kids, you can do a few things, such as talking to someone who has experience dealing with these situations or contacting a local support group. Most communities have groups that can help children and families deal with divorce, blended families, co-parenting, and other family-related problems.

Finally, If you have marital problems, it’s important to deal with them before the situation gets worse. Remember that you are responsible for your actions, and you are only responsible for making changes in your life. Once you have figured out the reason behind your marital problems, you can work on fixing them. Professional counseling may be beneficial for your relationship. A counselor specializing in relationships can help you learn to identify your marital problems and teach you how to deal with them so that you and your partner can work towards a happy and healthy relationship. If you and your partner are thinking about divorcing, speak to a lawyer first. A divorce attorney can give you advice on handling certain situations that arise before and during the divorce proceedings. Divorce should only be discussed if you are seriously considering it. Don’t ever threaten divorce or separation because you are upset or you aren’t getting your way. Threatening divorce will cause unnecessary chaos and resentment within your marriage. 

About Happenings™ 

Based in Manhattan, Happenings™ founder Tom Noel would often take a walk through Central Park. In 2008, during one of his walks, he stopped to sit at one of his favorite iconic locations in the Park, the Bethesda Fountain. There, Mr. Noel noticed that the intrinsic beauty that surrounded him was not being fully harnessed. He also realized that not a single business provided the exclusiveness of an affordable and high-quality event planner. Determined to change this, Happenings™ was born. 

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Most people give up on their dreams of an iconic wedding ceremony because it feels too overwhelming to plan for many different reasons. We’re here to help you create a memory of a lifetime through thoughtfully organized planning tailored to iconic locations throughout Central Park so you can step into your moment with the one that you love. Book now.

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